21-50 yearsÂ
New Ethos Nottingham 2 CIC offers a wide range of services to the service user, most of which are tailored to each individual needs.
We provide rehabilitation and specified supervised supported temporary accommodation at our hostel with stability for people in the criminal justice system, men released from prison, men recovering from drug and/ or alcohol addictions, men escaping domestic violence without children, and Men with no fixed address.
We help service users, most of whom had are in the criminal justice system and are socially excluded from accessing sustainable accommodations, assess essential and critical services, help them to rebuild relationships and communities, support them in their relative needs and aspirations, so they are most able to function and get on with their lives.
For each service user, we spend several hours providing one-to-one support from one of the support workers.
Our support worker helps them to set goals and supports/supervises them to achieve those goals.
New Ethos Nottingham 2 CIC forged positive links with local organisations that offer support and assistance in providing services and provisions for Service Users, and we are proud that we are unique in the range of services. We also have strong connections with a range of referral agencies including HMS Nottingham, Clean Slate, and Emmanuel House in Nottingham, Framework HA, Nacro, Transitions Housing CIC.
Social Exclusion barriers are one of the most high-risk areas most service users experience. These barriers are linked to government policies, local government, and council policies.
Rehabilitation, Reintegration, and resettlement are pertinent to reducing offending behaviors.
Most people in the criminal justice system face serious challenges to access specified support and supervision, employment, and housing when they leave prison. Due to their criminal record, most service users are left with a limited choice on these key areas which are crucial to rebuilding their lives. Most councils operate on policies that limit the choices of ex-offenders accessing local housing and research has suggested that homelessness is intrinsic to offending and re-offending behaviors. Accessing medical and dental assistance is also challenging for ex-offenders, as most cannot access these services immediately after leaving prison.