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For further information or to declare an interest in making a referral, please complete the form. Semi-Independent supported accommodation


All referrals for New Ethos Nottingham 2 CIC, even if the service user has been signposted from another service are classed as self-referrals. This means we need to speak to the service user directly.  


Once telephone contact has been made and basic details and requirements have been established, we would arrange for the service user to visit New Ethos House for an assessment. This can last between 1 and 2 hours.


The assessment will focus on the service user's motivation, levels of honesty/awareness, and readiness/suitability for entry into the project.  Both staff and resident coordinators are trained to undertake the assessment process, however, any confidential issues and risk assessments will only be discussed with staff members. This would also give the service user the opportunity to assess the suitability of ourselves for their needs.


If successful, and all eligibility criteria have been met, the service user will either be placed on the waiting list and be invited to attend a pre-admission group or may even be given an admission date there and then.



For further information or to declare an interest in making a referral, please complete the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Alternatively, you can contact us direct on:



Your Details

Service User's Details


Reason for Refferal

Local Authority Details

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