We are proud to announce that we officially launch New Ethos Nottingham on 4th August 2021. Cllr M. Bryant The Sheriff of Nottingham will be opening for us with an unveiling of our plaque and the cutting of the ribbon. Please see itinerary.
Merlita Bryan will be officially opening New Ethos House on August 4th 2021 at 11.00 am.
11:-11:15 Light Refreshments
11:15 Sheriff 's Guided Tour
11:30 Presentation
11:45 Cut the Ribbon, unveil the plaque & Speech
12:00 Light Refreshments Networking & guided tour for visitors.
Please share with people who would benefit from this information.
P.S. in support of our event we have T's and merchandise available for you to wear on the day please click below all surplus funds go to New Ethos Nottingham CIC.